This very attractive 80.5 hectare dairy farm which straddles the Eltham Road between Kaponga and Riverlea is linked with an underpass with central races on each side accessing the total 27 paddocks.
Being mainly flat to gentle contour the farm is currently calving round 200 cows but previously has calved up to 240 cows.
Six hectares of maize are grown on farm annually along with 3 hectares of turnips with 15 hectares of pit silage harvested.
Water is reticulated to 2 troughs per paddock from the Waimate West scheme via 40mm, 32mm and 25mm water lines.
The 26 aside herringbone cowshed is the “Rolls Royce” of cowsheds being magnificently constructed and includes in-shed feed system, cup removers and Protrac system with yard space for 250 cows. The support buildings include 3 bay calf rearing shed with power, 3 bay tractor / implement shed, large calf shed, 3 bay supplement shed plus two supplement bunkers.
The dwelling is a three bedroom roughcast home with spacious living areas and fenced section for the kids.
Being located in a very popular and renown dairying district with schooling not far away, this farm could well suit a younger couple making the step up to farm ownership or perhaps larger farming operations in the district seeking additional capacity.

Either way, this farm is well worth taking the time to inspect for your serious consideration.