Numerous bare land options available, all these properties have titles and are ready to go!

Options are endless, whether you are simply wanting to enter the property market, wanting to escape the Hussle of the city or want to become a life styler!

The Mountain in one direction and the ocean in the other!

Just a short drive to Hawera, Opunake and Stratford. Close to numerous large employment options and schools. They even have a Hockey Club!

Land Available

• Weka Street -2025m2-Green- SOLD
• Weka Street-3035m2-Blue – SOLD
• Eltham Road-4047m2-Green- SOLD
• Eltham Road-1.2141ha- Red- BEO $189,000
• Eltham Road-1.2141ha- Purple – SOLD
• Eltham Road/Weka Street-2.5293ha-Orange- PBN