Fresh to the market is this long held family farm situated on the Moki Rod at Tahora.
Comprising predominately easy to medium hill contour there is a balance of flats and some steep contour towards the rear of the property. A portion of the Southern end of the farm is covered in native bush.
Made up of strong papa based soils the farm has traditionally wintered 3600 to 3800 stock units with the majority of stock being finished.
Stock water is all natural from creeks and a series of dams scattered around the farm.
The dwelling is a four bedroom brick and weatherboard home which has had considerable upgrading carried out over the years. There is a five stand woolshed with covered yards (1200 cap) along with both cattle and sheep yards plus implement shed and hayshed. The farm also has a second two stand woolshed and yards next to the airstrip on the property.
This property coming to the market offers the opportunity for a younger couple to move into a nicely contoured sheep and beef farm in a renown district for breeding and finishing stock but also lends itself to the tree / carbon sector being a very accessible property with long road frontages.